Specifications NAMOTA Holder Motor Holder Handphone Motorcycle Phone Holder NM-H01 Blue Original Juli 2023

Gunung Belanda – On this occasion I will share information about Specifications Juli 2023 NAMOTA Holder Motor Holder Handphone Motorcycle Phone Holder NM-H01 Blue Original For readers who need articles as knowledge for us.

NAMOTA Holder Motor Holder Handphone Motorcycle Phone Holder NM-H01 Blue Original

Administrator GB Verified experts strive to provide the best information for you for the common good in improving learning at the Dutch Mountain site, related Specifications Juli 2023 NAMOTA Holder Motor Holder Handphone Motorcycle Phone Holder NM-H01 Blue Original It can be noted below what if it is not pleasing to your heart, apologize as much as possible, give the best input we are waiting for in the comments.


Specifications Produk
JudulSpecifications NAMOTA Holder Motor Holder Handphone Motorcycle Phone Holder NM-H01 Blue Original Juli 2023
HargaIDR 219900

Keunggulan :
✅ Tekstur Logam
– Lapisan Permukaan Halus & Doff Dengan Desain Elegan
✅ One Key Lock Easy Access
– Terdapat Pengunci Dibagian Belakang Holder
✅ Tahan Goncangan
– Pengunci Dilengkapi Bantalan Silikon Mencegah Goresan Ponsel
– Cocok Untuk Ponsel Ukuran 4,5 – 7 Inch
✅ Sudut Pandang Dapat Disesuaikan
– Holder Dapat Diputar 3600 Sesuai Kebutuhan
✅ Wide Compatible
– Cocok Untuk Berbagai Jenis Motor Dengan Diameter 15 – 44mm
Spesifikasi :
– Model : NM-H01
– Warna : Biru
– Material : ABS + PC + Silicone
– Berat Produk : 118g
– Ukuran Produk : 13 x 15 x 5,5 cm
– Ukuran Handphone : 4.5 – 7.0 inch
Silahkan Bertanya Ke Costumer Service Kami Mengenai Produk^^


The ending of my article entitled Specifications NAMOTA Holder Motor Holder Handphone Motorcycle Phone Holder NM-H01 Blue Original Juli 2023 Don’t forget to share as much as possible so that others don’t miss the info from you, spread one kindness will be useful for our brothers, thank you to meet again next time 🙂

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