Spesifikasi Adam Elements Iklips Duo Flash Drive - Lightning 128GB Rose Gold

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Adam Elements Iklips Duo Flash Drive – Lightning 128GB Rose Gold

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Spesifikasi Produk
JudulSpesifikasi Adam Elements Iklips Duo Flash Drive – Lightning 128GB Rose Gold
HargaIDR 2900000
Flash Drive Lightning / USB 3.1 dirancang khusus untuk iPhone, iPod, iPad dan mendukung untuk perangkat iOS, PC & Mac. Mudah berbagi/backup file, foto dan memutar musik/video kapanpun dan dimanapun. Selain itu, Kapasitas penyimpanan dapat langsung diperluas hingga 128GB.

– Apple MFi-certified. (Made for iPhone/iPad/iPod)
– Enhanced rubber body sleeve to provide greater protection and cover.
– Upgrade your device storage up to 256 GB. (32GB/64GB/128GB/256GB capacities).
– Lightning / USB 3.1 dual-interface – easily share files between iOS, Mac and PC. (iOS 8 or above / Windows XP/7/8/10 / Mac OSX)
– The worlds fastest read/write speed. Lightning read/write speed: up to 30/20 MB/s; USB 3.1 read/write speed: up to140/70 MB/s.
– Top quality MLC flash memory for longer product life span and read/write speed.
– Safe & Secure since no Internet access, your data is never sent through 3rd party servers.
– The lowest power consumption, saves power of your iPhone/iPad.
– 1080p HD movie streaming, direct playback from iKlips.
– Ultra slim aluminum material design the same aluminum grade as iPhone 6.
– No built-in battery – no need to charge iKlips DUO.
– Support exFAT format, which allows you to transfer the single file sized more than 4GB!!


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